Premier Halfway

Home Up

Below shows the League table at this halfway point of the season & the match reports of the games played....

  Pld GW MW A P







S J Bayley






Meole Brace






St Georges






Wrock Wood












Archibald W'ton






Chester Road


















Craven Arms






Donn Wood












Childs Ercall







Friday 5th July Home to Wrockwardine Wood

Won 10 - 4

League underdogs Castlefields storm to the top of the Premier League,

 After tonights win against Wrockwardine Wood, Castlefields who have been termed as the underdogs this season, at this half way point of the season the fielders are now firmly placed on the top of the Shropshire Premier League, with a changed but strong first four coming off as three one up set the tide for this win.  Excellent play in the middle kept up the pressure but then we saw a fight back from the Wrock winning another three matches with some great bowls being played, this match as now set them up for the encounter in the County Cup on Saturday 6th July against Ford at Meole Brace Bowling Club, start 6:30pm.

Richie Goddard 21/8 Mick Oliver Barry Keep 10/21 Martin Williams
Alan Peach 13/21 John Clarke Mark Rogers 21/11 Alan Gant
Steve Duckett 21/11 Mark Oliver Glyn Herbert 21/16 Phil Clee
Kevin Price 21/16 Russ Jones Lee Clarke 6/21 Simon Rhodes
Graham Rogers 21/7 Paul Jones Keith Walton 21/13 Steve Brook
Andrew Duckett 15/21 Mark Selly Paul Williams 21/10 Dale Downes

In the background sees Andy Duckett on the way tolosing to Mark Selly Barry Keep on the way to losing 10/21 after somw go bowling from Martin Williams Graham Rogers taking the sweep after a great game against Paul Jomes Keith Walton showing Steve Brook the way on to winning 21/13

Lee Clarke trying to rub some luck into his bowls biy still lost out 6 to Simon Rhodes. brother of Tony Paul.jpg (21508 bytes) Jamie.jpg (16440 bytes)


Friday 21st June Home to Wem USC

Won 12 - 2

With the League table wide open Captain Andrew Duckett urged is team on & would only accept a good win tonight from his bowlers.  With Glyn Herbert unavailable for this clash of old friends, Andy called on the help of young Steve Duckett to step up another ladder to fill Herbie`s place.

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Richie Goddard 21/4 Sharn Nagle  Alan Peach 21/11 Ian McDonald
Paul Williams 21/1 Tom Cooper Steve Duckett 21/8 Steve Almark
Richie Goddard & Paul Williams stormed off into the corners & showed that the green is on the way to getting some run into it, not troubled at all from their opponents  with Paul taking the coppers at 21/1 & Richie picking the loose change in second sweep.  Alan Peach played some marks across the middle which Ian McDonald soon got the weight right & pushed Alan into playing some better bowls & soon changed the mark which allowed Maggot to win 11, Steve Duckett proved himself winning 21/8 against Steve Almark, if he played regular & practiced he could hold is own in the Premier. Four nil up after four 

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Mark Rogers 21/8 John Rider Graham Rogers 21/16 Barry Thomas
Steve Walker 21/14 Mell Evans Kevin Price 21/17 Fred Bailey
Mark Rogers bowled some nice close bowls at around the 20m mark which John Rider had no answer for allowing Mark to run out 21/8, Guinness managed to win 21/16 after letting Barry Thomas get back at him in the middle allowing him to catch up & get the Club President shaking is head but all turned to smiles when Graham ran out 21/16, Steve Walker played well against Mell Evans which was a tight game in the middle but Steve used the green knowledge winning 21/14, & at eight saw Kevin Price playing a long game which finally got the better of Fred Bailey allowing KP to win 21/17

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Andy Duckett 12/21 John Wilkes Keith Walton  12/21 Mick Reeves
Barry Keep 21/6 Scott Thomas Lee Clarke  21/16 Derek Wright
Into the back with with Captain Andy Duckett taking on John Wilkes playing is first game of the season which proved to be lucky for Wilkie as Andy lost 12/21, Keith Walton faired no better losing 12/21 to Mick Reeve, at eleven Barry Keep kept on the pressure winning 21/6 against Scott Thomas & Lee Clarke smiled when he saw is opponent in Derek Wright seeing him off at 21/16.

With the scores coming in on the mobiles Andy Duckett soon got over is defeat when being told the Dragons where down at Ifton, this win tonight may have put the fields just two points behind the leaders..

Friday 14th June Away to Craven Arms

Won 9 - 5

Barry Keep 21/12 I.Bishop Keith Walton  21/13 R.Harrington
Alan Peach 20/21 D. Ellis Steve Walker 16/21 J.Coxill
Graham Rogers 21/18 C.Blent Glyn Herbert 20/21 Simon Parsonage
Paul Williams 21/18 Wayne Rogers Rich Goddard 21/14 P.Griffiths
Andy Duckett 10/21 D.Bishop Lee Clarke  21/18 T.Cowdale
Steve Duckett 14/21 R.Crowther Kevin Price 21/15 N.Beard

Good away performance by the lads and an extra 9 points

Won 9-5 on games. Aggregate 227 - 195 - Won Aggregate by 32 chalks

 1st Sweep - B.Keep 21-12 -  2nd Sweep - K.Walton 21-13

Reported by Ozzy

Friday 7th June Home to Meole Brace

Won 8 - 6

Barry Keep 18/21 Mark Thomas Keith Walton  21/7 Conrad Clapham
Alan Peach 15/21 Martin Bizzard Mark Rogers 21/9 Ian Dowley
Graham Rogers 9/21 Graham Dulson Glyn Herbert 21/9 Ray Jones
Paul Williams 21/9 Mick Jones Rich Goddard 19/21 Adie Rowe
Andy Duckett 21/12 John Nash Lee Clarke  21/11 Mark Hinks
Steve Duckett 20/21 Tony Dodd Kevin Price 15/21 Andy Wiggington

Due to baby sitting with my granddaughter Jasmine no photos or match reports are available, only that a disappointing result for the fielders who should have got more but the Meole lads were well fired up from what was published in the Shropshire Star & without doubt Adie Rowe was more that pleased with the outcome of is game with Richie Goddard. 

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Friday 31st May Away to St Georges

Lost 10 - 4

Barry Keep 16/21  Paul Bailey Keith Walton  15/21 Alan Palin
Alan Peach 21/16 Tony Rhodes Mark Rogers 19/21 Gary Copper
Graham Rogers 8/21 Keith Peasall Glyn Herbert 21/15 Alan Jones
Paul Williams 13/21 Jim Kellett  Rich Goddard 21/20 Craig Barker
Andy Duckett 21/7 Carl Teece Lee Clarke  18/21  Ian Gaut 
Steve Walker 11/21 Mike jones Kevin Price 10/21 Mark Burroughs 

Gained two more points than last years result, Lee Clarke & Mark Rogers could have easily made it another two

Friday 24th May Home to Ford Bowling Club

Won 12/2

Castlefields Captain Andy Duckett brought the new Premier League Team from Ford Bowling Club down to earth with an almighty bump, given all the press coverage which the Shropshire Star focused on Ford,  some of their own players were beginning to believe the hype & they thought they could cause a mayor upset & win at the Queen Street complex, NO FEAR

Knowing Ford had the three X Castlefields players as the trump cards it all depended on at what number Dave Hoffman was going to play them, he had settled that Goddard will play at one so choose to play at that number himself & while Richie got off to a good start Dave did pull some back when he took him into the corners & at one stage it was ten across, Richie got to 12 then powered to run out 21/17. Steve Duckett drew County man Wayne Phillips who showed why he plays County bowls proving is place by some good bowling which put him in front & Steve could not pull anything from is bag & went down fighting to lose 17/21. Glyn Herbert also showed his County skill in turning over Andy Jones 21/7 & even managed to smile later when he was given half of the sweep, mean while Hookie Walker was at one stage in big trouble against the experienced Geoff Davies, but with support from the home crowd he managed to turn it & won 21/15, three one up after the first four & Ford were realizing that, a its not as easy as the papers made out.

Glyn Herbert 21/7 Andy Jones
Steve Duckett 17/21 Wayne Phillips
Richie Goddard 21/16 Dave Hoffman
Steve Walker 21/15 Geoff Davies
Steve Duckett 17/21 Wayne Phillips     Richie Goddard 21/16 Dave Hoffman     Steve Walker 21/15 Geoff Davies

At number five saw the draw of the night in Paul Williams versus Alfie Davies,  this game lived up to the expectations of the crowd & the bowling was a joy to watch, it took a while for Paul to settle down, to the delight of the visitors supporters Alfie played some textbook prefect shots to lick Paul, but when you play a left hander you get no help & slowly Paul got back into the game found a few half decent marks to which Alfie struggled to find the land & Paul got out 21/15. While this match was going on young Mark Rogers played to is high standard against Paul Middleton, finding the green slower than normal Mark picked his shorter marks which Paul tried to match but just did not have that extra touch to get inside Mark who won with a nice 21/8.  At six saw Graham Rogers settling down & playing some decent bowls again,  much to the relief of Alan Rogers(snr) running out 21/13 against Nick Jones. Number eight was Captain Andy Duckett drawn against the other County man & X Castlefields star in Kevin Jones, Andy will be the first to admit that he played crap which allowed Juggler to dominate the game & eventually winning Andy 17, with the way Andy played he was glad to get off the green... after eight Castlefields seven two up & looking good.

Paul Williams 21/15 Alan Davies
Graham Rogers 21/13 Nick Davies
Andy Duckett 17/21 Kevin Jones
Mark Rogers 21/8 Paul Middleton
Paul Williams 21/15 Alfie Davies Graham Rogers 21/13 Nick Davies Andrew Duckett 17/21 Kevin Jones Mark Rogers 21/8 Paul Middleton
Keith Walton 21/7 Darren Watkins
Kevin Price 21/18 Bill Tuddle
Lee Clarke 21/19 Nigel Bound
Barry Keep 21/10 Phil Price
In at nine was our own County man Keith Walton who did the work against Darren Watkins winning with another 21/7 & to the dismay of Herbie took half of the sweep. Kevin Price showed us all why he got chosen for the Premier side this season again coming back from behind, keeping is nerve, some times taking a risk in the corners but managing to run out 21/18. At eleven Lee Clarke put up a great display of bowling, showing his experience & not letting the noise of the visitors supporters get to him or the pressure that Nigel Bound put on him, who we all know that Nigel can play a bit, Elsie ran out at 21/19 showing how close this game was, no such worry though for Barry Keep playing Phil Price, who showed that he must of helped Ford a lot to get into the Premier as he showed in two or three ends he can also play a bit but Barry twisted the knife running out a easy winner at 21/10.

Keith Walton 21/7 Darren Watkins Kevin Price 21/18 Bill Trundle Lee Clarke 21/19 Nigel Bound Barry Keep 21/10 Phil Price

Both Captains, players & supporters agreed that this was a great night of bowls, it was a pity the local press did not make a presence, maybe they knew that it was not really on for Ford, next week see the fielders travel to the Dragons camp  at St Georges which should be an interesting if not a vital match, Castlefields only managed to get two last year but confidence is still on the way up & the team is getting into its stride, Time will tell. JACK UP 


Friday 17th May Away to Ifton

Drew 7 -7

R.Goodard  7/21  Geoff Samuel G.Herbert  21/9  Brian Hayes 
P.Williams  21/18  Dave Jones  A.Duckett 10/21 Dewi Jones 
A.Peach  8/21 Carl Roberts M.Rogers  21/17  Martin Evans
G.Rogers 21/16  Barry Davies  K.Walton  21/13  Dave Hughes
`B.Keep  16/21 Tim Haliwell  L.Clarke 15/21  Dave Jones  
S.Walker 21/18 Robin Hillman K.Price 21/20  Dave Webster

Drew 7-7  7-5 on games but lost aggregate by 16

203 - 219

Good performance by the lads. A good 7 points,

unlucky not to pick up 9 points

  Sweep - Herbie 21-9

Results supplied by Ace reporter Ozzy


Wed 15th May Home to Childs Ercall  

Won 13 / 1

This was a much welcomed result by the Castlefields players, with Keith Walton unavailable young Steve Duckett was forced to leave is ladder behind to play in tonight's game, & it was well worth while because he managed to take the sweep, Captain Andy Duckett & the rest of the squad now need to get him to play on a regular basis.

Lee Clarke 21/17 B.Trunks Graham Rogers 21/19 G.Farmer
Paul Williams 21/13 R.Shaw Steve Walker 21/16 B.Clarke
Steve Duckett 21/5 S.Mathrews Kevin Price 21/13 J.Martin
Richie Goddard 21/20 Pete Farmer Barry Keep  21/9 D.Booth
Mark Rogers 21/8 G.Wood Glyn Herbert 21/14 A.Smout
Alan Peach 13/21 S.Edwards Andy Duckett 21/11 I.Harvey
It was good to see Graham Rogers back after a short rest, he played well to keep out the Father of Pete Farmer, winning 21/19. Richie Goddard turned the screw again to pip Pete Farmer 21/20, Alan Peach was disappointed with is game & should enjoy is onion.  Andy Duckett started off well & was 18/1 but then let Ian Harvey get back to 11 before winning with that score. 

Alan Peach looking for some help andy.jpg (14514 bytes) Barry.jpg (19258 bytes) graham2.jpg (16999 bytes) hook.jpg (20833 bytes) kp2.jpg (16731 bytes) Lee.jpg (15866 bytes) mark3.jpg (21232 bytes) rich.jpg (22614 bytes)

Glyn Herbert, Paul Williams, Barry Keep, Lee Clarke, Steve Walker & Kevin Price all held their own with good wins to secure the match.

With the green running like a ploughed field the team are looking forward to visiting away to Ifton on Friday & hope to improve on last years win of 9/5. then we welcome the new boys to the Shropshire Premier League in Ford Bowling Club the following week & 


Friday 26th April Home to Donnington Wood   Won 11/3

Captain Andy Duckett had a change round of the team due to some members being away on holiday & without having yet scored a point in the League after last weeks blip at the SJB it put further pressure on the match & on Andy

Polo & Andy Duckett  Keith Walton & Richie Lawson  Mark Williams & Kevin Price  Richie Goddard & Dave King

Andy Duckett 20/21 Keith Worthington
Andy Duckett had a great match against Polo who always plays this green well & just missed out at the end when Polo fired to win, to the delight of the vistors.  
Keith Walton 11/21 Richie Lawson
Keith Walton found it hard with Richie Lawson who played some good close bowls & plastered Keith all over the green & at every mark..
Kevin Price 21/18 Mark Williams
Up & coming Kevin Price played a tight game with Mark always snapping at is heels but Kevin ran out with this nice 21/18
Richie Goddard 21/19 Dave King
This game was close all the way with Richie off to a slow start then rallying to win, a tight game but controlled by Richie

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Steve Duckett 21/14 Alan Boycott
Another slow start by a Castlefields player which gave the Bell lads a bit of hope, Steve started to find his land in the middle & surged ahead to win 14 against Bokye.
Glyn Herbert 21/13 Chris Worthington
Herbie made this one difficult for himself against Chris but managed to give himself another talking to after seeing is bowls being spread all over & pulled back to win it & scoring the first point for the fields this season. 
Mark Rogers 21/12 Roy Bradburn
Never a problem for the male model, he played some great short marks across the green which Roy found difficult to match.
Mike Thomas 21/17 Alan Merdith

Tapper Thomas was a wee bit nervous at the start but all the practice on Sunday nights paid off, had a few good rubs & nicks & even pinched the end when Al was lying two on, which Alan got a bit narked about which allowed Tapper to win 17.


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Graham Rogers 21/16 John Breeze
Guiness once again drew John Breeze & once again beat him by a steady game, not allowing the noise from the visitors or is Father to put him off.
Paul Williams 21/9 Andy Stevens
No worries for Paul Williams playing with bowls to suit a pudding green Willy took Andy all over with some great marks to win at 21/9.
Barry Keep 21/12 Simon Gerrard
Keepie opened his season with a fine game against the young Simon Gerrard, after just returning from holiday this cold wind made him wish he was back in the sun but a good win of 12.
Steve Walker 19/21 Pete Roden
Steve Walker came back from being 14/4 down after Pete Roden got off to a stormer, but the even though Hookie started to play as we know he can it was not enough on the night

   So a better result for the fielders even though last year they won with a 14/0 score line, given that two players are sunning themselves the reserve trio played well to hold their own & in two cases win their games, Captain Andy Duckett is now looking to next week when they visit Battlefield & will need the team to be at full strength & on top form. 

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