Glynn Hill County Cup

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Castlefields winners of the County Cup for 2002

Score 8/4 & by 36 


In this final of the Glynn Hill County Cup the fielders won the competition for the 20th time by a 36 chalk margin against Ifton Bowling Club, as it turned out the game was won in the first four,  with Castlefields having two 21/9 wins under their belt the Ifton team was always going to be behind.

Played at the Sinclair Bowling Club on Saturday 17th August 02, Captains Andrew Duckett & Terry Williams had declared the starting order well before the match & as both teams lined up for photos Secretary Ian Gaut added any final touches before the President of Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association, Dave Card  brought out the trophies for a photo call with both team captains, match referee Mike Potter, assisted by measure experts Tony Kelly & Pete Jones also managed to line up for a photograph.  With most supporters finding the Sinclair Club before the 6:30pm start the match started dead on time but a few supporters did arrive late & did struggle to find seats because of a fairly large crowd. 

Officials line up before the start of the County Cup final, Referee Mike Potter, President Dave Card Pete Jones & Tony Kelly Both Captains & President Dave Card before the start of the Glynn Hill County Cup Final Castlefields Bowling Club take thier place for a photo shoot before the Final of the County Cup Ifton Bowling Club lineup for a photo shot before the final of the County Cup Supporters including the Club President & Shirt sponsor Allan Rogers(snr) on the Left with Eric Wycherley & our Norman Supporters2.jpg (136226 bytes) 


Richie Goddard 21/9 Kevin Walker Andy Duckett 18/21 Brian Hayes
Paul Williams 21/20 Tim Halliwell Glyn Herbert 21/9 Dewi Jones
At number one saw our own county player Richie Goddard showing Welsh County star Kevin Nicholas how to play a short game, romping to a 6/1 lead then 11/1 Richie was under no pressure only getting one at each end but this soon added up to win 21/9, number two with Captain Andrew Duckett going to 8/3 up then letting Brian Hayes find some good marks & got into the game, with Andrew reaching 18/11 up, his game then fell apart & did not win another end losing to Brian 18/21.  In at three was Paul Williams against Tim Halliwell which saw the lead score change sides at every end, it was that close, but Paul managed to hold out with the score at 20/19 then to 20/20 across & finally Paul winning with is first wood of the final end 21/20. At four was the ex County player Glyn Herbert producing some excellent bowls to be 17/2 up after just 14 ends against the not so experienced Dewi Jones , Dewi did have a bit of a surge to make 17/9 but Herbie got the final four points to win 21/9. so after four games the score stood at 81/59 for the fielders making they were 22 up.

Richard Goddard & Kevin Nicholas playing the short game Captain Andrew Ducket & Brian Hayes Paul Williams watched by opponetTim Halliwell with winning 21/10 which he also recieved the Alan Wishy Dodd Trophy for this great game between thses two

Keith Walton 12/21 Geoff Samuel Mark Rogers 21/12 Dave `Dicky`Jones
Alan Peach 21/18 Carl Roberts Graham Rogers 21/14 Dave Hughes
Number five saw Keith Walton going to 1/9 down before he got anywhere near the jack when playing against Geoff Samuel, Keith tried to produce the form for which he has been known but it was not to be today, & with Geoff not being in the mood to wait for him winning Keith 21/12, number six saw the youngest Mark Rogers showing off his great form against Dave Jones just clawing away at is own game keeping tight bowls & not allowing Dave to get into the jack, Mark running at at 21/12. seven was the old Castlefields stalwart in Alan Peach up against Carl Roberts who at 13 across the game could have gone either way but Peachie managed to get some good bowls on the jack which saw him win at 21/18 & eight saw Graham Rogers showing Dave Hughes a clean pair of heels to reach 8/3 then with the Dave coming back to 13 across Graham turned on the pressure  to win with a great 21/14. Castlefields won the middle at 75/65  now up 32 with the last four to come.

Keith Walton with hardly enough time to shake the hand of Geoff Samuel before losing out 12.Mark Rogers & Dave `Dicky` Jones with the male model winning 21/12Alan Peach showing Carl Jones the land on to winning 21/18 for the maggotGraham Rogers verses Dave Hughes, Guinness winning 21/14

Barry Keep 21/15 Andrew Hughes Lee Clarke 15/21 Rich Griffiths
Kevin Price 21/15 Dave `Rocky`Jones Steve Walker 19/21 Giles Evans

So into the back four with Ifton with it all to do saw at nine Barry Keep against Andrew Hughes & Barry blasting away to a 13/3 lead with Andrew coming back to 13/9 but Barry played some good leads finding some long marks which saw him running out as the 21/15 winner. At ten was Lee Clarke who soon found himself 1/5 down against Rich Griffiths with Lee then pulling back to 8/8 across, this game could have gone to either bowler but Lee did not find that final foot to the jack eventually losing 15. Number eleven saw new premier league Kevin Price up against the well known Dave `Rocky` Jones but you are only as good as your last game in bowls & reputations mean nothing & Kevin raced to a 13/3 lead, but the expected surge from Rocky never happened quick enough & Kevin ran out 21/15 & last on at twelve was another new premier league player for the fielders in Steve Walker who met the on form Giles Evans, scores were evenly matched with Giles winning two to make it 20/17 then Steve getting the next two 20/19 then Steve with the jack in hand messed up the last end which allowed Giles in to take the last two points & win 21/19. so the score of the back four for the fielders 76/72 making a win for Castlefields by 36, making this the 20th time the Fielders have won the competition. 

At ten saw Lee Clarke starts against Rich Griffiths Kevin Price & Dave `Rocky` Jones at the start of the game which Kevin won 21/15 Steve Walker & Giles EvansThese young Castlfields supporters get ready for the final, Jamie Austin, Luke Jones, Andrew Austin & Kieran Walker

 President Dave Card thanked everyone involved but with a special thank you to Secretary Ian Gaut, with this being his last County Cup Final before he stands down at the end of the season, to which was well received by the large crowd & promptly applauded. Dave then went on & presented the Alan `Wishy` Dodd Memorial Trophy  to Castlefields player Paul Williams, Ifton Captain Terry Williams then received the Runners-up Trophy & cheque & said a few kind words, & finally Andrew Duckett Captain for the fielders went & collected the County Cup to great applause & cheers from the many Castlefields supporters & Andrew finished off with even less few words than Terry 

Dave Card President of Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association presents the Glynn Hill Trophy to Castlefields Captain Andrew Duckett, Photo by Mark Burroughs Dave Card President of Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association presents the Alan `Wishy`Dodd Trophy to Castlefields star Paul Williams, Photo by Mark Burroughs

Captain Andrew Duckett with the County Cup as County winners for 2002 & the 20th time Winners.jpg (143758 bytes) Man of the Match went to Paul Williams

So it was a happy crowd from Castlefields who went back on the coach to the now famous tunes of :