Results Res B


Castlefields B Reserve 

Reserve Division 5 League Champions

 for 2002

BTeam.jpg (166043 bytes)

This is the Castlefields B Reserve Team who became the Reserve Division Five League Champions for 2002

Under the Captaincy of Dave Wycherley and with the A Reserve team also playing at home on the same night a large crowd was delighted to see the team play some of the best bowls of all season, keeping the best until when it was needed, Joe Thomas led the way with a 21/3 roasting of RogerJones.  With three wins at the front & a full house in the middle it was a formality at the back.  It was a happy team that ended up in the Telegraph that night & all are now looking forward to staying together for the start of the campaign in 2003 & into the forth division...

Back Left: Captain Dave Wycherley, Kieran Walker, Joe Thomas, Danny Ashley, Greg Wycherley, 

Luke Jones, Neil Thomas.

Front Left: Andrew Austin, James Austin, Corrie Wycherley & Graham Wall.

Missing from Photo Carl Martin & Carl Weir


Greg.jpg (144139 bytes)

Click to See how they plan to celebrate this win

    Tuesday 20th August Home to Prince Hotel

Won 11 - 1

Greg Wycherley  21/15 Ron Hodgekiss James Austin 21/8 Dave Baguley
Carl Weir  Molly Wynell Carl Martin Neil Lewis
Corey Wycherley 21/6 Carol Rawlings Luke Jones  21/15 Alan Lee
Andrew Austin 21/15 Norman Stones Neil Thomas Norman Payne
Ivor Wainwright Wayne Holland Kieran Walker  12/21 Roy Lewis

 Carl Weir.jpg (17484 bytes) Corry Wycherley.jpg (17204 bytes) 

Jamie Austin.jpg (16609 bytes) Neil Thomas.jpg (20415 bytes) Carl Martin.jpg (19273 bytes)

Tuesday 6th August Home to Worthen A

Won 9/3

Greg Wycherley  21/8  Bob Weaver James Austin 21/19 Paul Dillow
Carl Wear  15/21 Tim Tucker Dan Ashley  21/15 Dave Hampson
Corey Wycherley 6/21 Katie Dilllow Luke Jones  21/11 Joon Main
Andrew Austin 15/21 Nick Rowlings  Joe Thomas 21/14 Dave Wilkinson
Graham Wall 21/18 Darren Hamer Kieran Walker  21/3 Heather Watkins

Aggregates Castlefields 183 - Worthen A 151

Castlefields won 9 -3 & 32 aggregate



    Tuesday 16th July Home to Harlescott BC

Won 10/2

A good performance by the lads, and another 10 points on our way to catching Worthen!
reported by the RHINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Greg Wycherley  21/15  Graham Lewis James Austin 21/4  Harry Ryder
Carl Wear  21/0 Walkover Dan Ashley  17/21 Cara Edwards
Corey Wycherley 21/15 Chris Edwards  Luke Jones  21/11 Sam Hill 
Andrew Austin 21/2  Lizz Edwards  Joe Thomas 21/12 Keith Lewis
Carl Martin 21/17 Mick Langley Kieran Walker  21/4 Jess Edwards  

!st Sweep Andrew Austin

2nd Sweep James Austin


    Tuesday 9th July Away to Hanwood B

Won 9/3

Greg Wycherley  8/ 21 Cinthia Murray James Austin 21/16    Noel Shutt 
Carl Wear  21/12 Ray Roberts Dan Ashley  21/16 Joyce Johnson
Corey Wycherley 11/21 John Corfield  Luke Jones  21/12 Nicola Evans 
Andrew Austin 7/21 Heather  Evans  Joe Thomas 21/14 Brian Edwards
Graham Wall 21/19 Robert Evans Kieran Walker  21/9  Colin Sankey


    Tuesday 2nd July Away to Telepost

Won 7/5

Greg Wycherley  21/10 Neil Hall James Austin 15/21 Tony Tipton
Carl Wear  21/12 Roger Jones Dan Ashley  21/17 Peter Cook
Corey Wycherley 16/21 R.Cook Luke Jones  21/7 Paul Fullwood
Andrew Austin 20/21 Mike Lewis  Joe Thomas 11/21 Pete Mackay
Graham Wall 21/20 Corline Tipton Kieran Walker  18/21 Andy Tipton

Drew 5-5 on games won Agg by 14 away at Telepost B, great performance by the lads first home defeat for Telepost


    Tuesday 18th June Away to Monkmoor Abbots

Won 10/2

K.Walker 21/12 Veronica Bland  A.Austin 21/7   Nina Davies
G.Wycherley 21/4   Alf Hill D.Ashley 17/21  Sean Lane 
J.Austin  21/14 Josh Murphy J.Thomas 21/5 Perry Evans
C.Wycherley 21/17 George Thomas C.Martin  21/4  Eric Cousins
L.Jones 21/10  Scott Lane C.Wear  14/21 Richard Leah

Great Away performance and a further 10 points to our promotion hunt!

Aggregate - 199 - 115

Won on games 8 -2 and the aggregate by 84

1st Sweep C.Martin - 21 - 4  G.Wycherley 21 - 4

  2nd Sweep - J.Thomas 21 - 5    
Reported by the new vice captain Ozzy


    Tuesday 11th June Home to Bayston Hill B

Won 11/1

Luke.jpg (17692 bytes)  Dan Ashley.jpg (17031 bytes)  Dan Ashley2.jpg (14759 bytes)

A good win for these up & coming youngsters, now they are finding the run of the green & using there own marks, playing with stacks of confidence with plenty of support from the side lines.


Andrew Austin 21/4 Alan Winstanley James Austin 21/16 Ruth Richards
Greg Wycherley 21/18 Greg Bowen Graham Wall 21/17 Scott Bowen
Carl Weir  21/15 Brian Shacklock Joe Thomas 21/8 Tom Stanhope
Carl Martin 21/9 Tony Hinton Corry Wycherley 21/9 Billy Murphy
Luke Jones 21/8 Walter Watkins Dan Ashley 19/21 Dave Kippler

Tuesday 4th June 02 Away to Prince 

Lost 7 - 5

Carl Martin V Ron Hodgekiss Carl Weir V Rhys Jones Jamie Austin V Dave Babuley Joe Thomas.jpg (18016 bytes)

Supporters on the bench Dan Ashley getting ready to tackle the rough green


Kieran Walker 15/21 Wayne Holland   Andrew Austin 21/20 Bob Plimmer 
Jamie Austin 21/18  Dave Babuley    Corry Wycherley 13/21  Neil Lewis  
Graham Wall 13/21 Roy Lewis   Carl Weir 21/15 Rhys Jones  
Corey Wycherley 13/21 Norman Stones   Dan Ashley 21/9 Brian Binnersley 
Joe Thomas 6/21 Norman Pryce    Carl Martin 21/17 Ron Hodgkiss   
164 - 185 aggregate
         Drew 5-5 on games and lost aggregate by 21 chalks. 

Overall result - Lost  7 - 5

Excellent performance by the lads and a good 5 away points

1st Sweep - C. Martin 

2nd Sweep - C. Wear

     Reported by Ozzy

Tuesday 21st May 02 Away to Worthen A

Lost this game by 6 games to 4 and the agg by 7.

Greg Wycherley  13/21 Annette Hampson   Andrew Austin 21/15 Heather Watkins
Corey Wycherley 21/13 Paul Dillow   James Austin 17/21  Nick Rawlings
Kieran Walker 21/19 David Wilkinson   Joe Thomas 21/16 Darren Hamer
Carl Wear 19/21 Katie Dillow   Luke Jones 18/21 Bob Weaver 
Carl Martin 13/21 Roger Smith   Dan Ashley  19/21 Tim Tucker

What a good performance this was. Every one of the lads played BRILLIANT

Lads are getting better all the time. Worthen Captain said "it will be their hardest game all season". Worthy praise indeed from another Team Captain


Tuesday 14th May 02 Home To POW BC B

Won 9 - 3

This junior Castlefields team is now starting to take shape with last years new bowlers now getting the hang of the game & finding there own marks on this bottom green, Captain Dave Wycherley continues to find new bowlers, young or older in the shape of Neil Thomas, making is home debut & winning 21/8 & Dave's young lad, Greg, again making his debut & managing to win 21/15. 


Kieran Walker 21/4 Sid Mansell Andrew Austin 21/10 Len McIntosh
Luke Jones 15/21 A.Childs Greg Wycherley 21/15 W.Jeavons
Neil Thomas 21/8 H.Kotch Carl Weir 21/7 McIntosh
Corey Wycherley 16/21 S.Stocking Dan Ashley 21/9 E.Lloyd
Joe Thomas 11/21 E.Greaves Carl Martin 21/17 W.Floukes
Luke Jones on the way to losing out to A.Childs 15/21 Neil Thomas making his debut & winning 21/8 against H.Kotch Carl Weir running out 21/7 against S.McIntosh Corey Wycherley going down 16/21 against S.Stocking Dan Ashley sets out on the road to winning 21/9 against E.Lloyd Carl Martin lines up 21/17 against K.Foukles

Joe Thomas dipping out to E.Greves 11/21


Tuesday 23rd April Home to Hanwood A

Won 12/0

Captain Dave Wycherley could not of hoped for a better start to the season with the young guns firing on all barrels for the visit from Hanwood, with ten straight wins & an extra two points this young side go straight to the top of the league.
Andrew Austin 21/6 Rita Edwards
Kieran Walker 21/9 Roy Roberts
Luke Jones 21/6 Brian Edwards
Graham Wall 21/51 Arnold Jones
Dan Ashley 21/14 M. Mansell
Jamie Austin 21/18 Eve Jones
Carl Weir 21/15 Nichol Evans
Corrie Wycherley 21/9 Colin Sankey
Joe Thomas 21/18 Jane Johnson
Carl Martin 21/10 N.Shutt
Luke Jones weighs up the lengh on the way to winning 21/6 against Brian Williams Graham Wall took some of the coppers on the fine display Kieran Walker waits for Roy Roberts to play one on this sunny the end Kieran played the better ones winning 21/9


Nichol Evans was not up to Carls game & lost out 21/15 Young Corrie Wycherley on the way to winning 21/9 against Colin Sankey Rino in is designer gear shows the Jack to Eve jones on the to a good win of 21/18


Dan Ashley fighting back to win 21/14 against M.MansellLast years Captain Glyn Herbert & vice Alan Peach was right proud of the lads tonight & from what I seen if the team keep up the team spirit & support they showed for each other tonight they are in for a good season.


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